
Locally Farmed Organic Vegetable Delivery

20 years of growing organic vegetables and delivering vegetable boxes from our 12-acre farm in Sussex.


What We Do

We produce organic vegetable boxes that are affordable, seasonal, and as fresh and local as possible.

We have different sizes of boxes available for various appetites, from individuals to families.

We are flexible with the items in your boxes. You can change items in your order for something you would like.

Meet us better

Our Organic Farm in Numbers

470 households per month

23 experts working

5 awards won

100% satisfied customers

Try with our vegetables

Our favourite recipes

  • Wet Days
    Siri: It’s another wet and windy day. I feel horribly uninspired. Selma: Don’t wait for inspiration. Let’s collect some rain water and flowers from …… Wet Days
  • Wet Days
    Siri: It’s another wet and windy day. I feel horribly uninspired. Selma: Don’t wait for inspiration. Let’s collect some rain water and flowers from …… Wet Days
  • (no title)
    Do you vote in political elections? Yes I does that by the way it’s our countries ability responsibility to keep our nation in one unity to redirected good things forContinue reading
  • Wet Days
    Siri: It’s another wet and windy day. I feel horribly uninspired. Selma: Don’t wait for inspiration. Let’s collect some rain water and flowers from … Wet Days
  • (no title)
    What gives you direction in life? Activation my portfolio trading terminal account Mt5 and that mt4 by the way of things work

We are very happy with the quality of the box and we value the service.

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